Space has been in the news more than ever, with the private exploration efforts of Bezos, Branson, and Musk. While these are commendable achievements, we believe that space isn’t just for billionaires.
We want to make space inclusive for all!
We are proud to have hosted the NASA International Space Apps Challenge - the world’s largest global hackathon - for five years in Singapore!
As we celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Challenge with the theme ‘The Power of 10’, NASA welcomes nine more space agencies from around the world to help power this year’s Space Apps Challenge. This edition also features four new inclusive award categories.
We invite teams of technologists, scientists, designers, entrepreneurs, artists, and others to collaborate to answer some of the most pressing challenges on Earth and in space, and have some fun doing it!
Remember, much of space work is about improving how we look after the planet and its people.

The number of exciting challenge statements featured in this year’s NASA International Space Apps Challenge.
From discovering the secrets of the sun to spotting bugs from space and the classic ‘Invent Your Own Challenge’ category, there’s more than enough creative scope for everyone!