SERVICES | Incubate
Incubate and hatch
the best ideas.
Like a Padang & Co acceleration programme, an incubation programme typically starts with corporate sponsorship and investment in the process -- from defining the problem or opportunity statements to mentoring the teams on the domain and the potential pilot and rollout within the organisation. We challenge the “intrapreneurs” to reimagine the way their business units do business or exploit new technologies. They will experience an accelerated programme like what a startup founder will go through when building and validating a business value proposition and model. If required, the entire incubation programme can be run virtually. These intrapreneurs in turn become innovation champions who excite their colleagues and rally support for other innovation initiatives. Through the process of supporting the development of ideas into solutions that the business can further invest in, you can discover how innovation can work for your corporation.

Leverage the most valuable asset of the organisation -- existing employees -- to build new products or ventures

Discover employees who are most enthusiastic about innovation and turn them into innovation champions within the organisation

Nurture the incubatees through mentoring by business leaders or external experts to ensure their ideas are relevant to the business

Get to a real result: create new IP, new products / services that can be tested, or new ventures that can be invested in

Singtel Incubation Program
Internal innovation challenge and incubation programme to create new products and services and get support from business leaders to launch them

NCSS Sector Design Challenge
National Council of Social Service
Programme to train participants from various People, Private and Public (3P) organisations to develop new solutions to address the needs in the social service sector

Keppel Corp
Programme for Keppel Young Leaders to use the Paris Agreement (COP21) as a guide to develop game-changing solutions for their respective business units

Singapore Centre for Social Enterprise (raiSE)
Innovation challenges and incubation programmes for social entrepreneurs to validate needs in senior care and develop sustainable business models

MINDEF IoT Challenge
Ministry of Defence and Defence Science & Technology Agency
Innovation challenge that incorporated problem definition and Design Thinking training with MINDEF business units, as well as co-creation with external teams (startups) to develop pilots